Thursday, February 21, 2008

stream of consciousness from Nura, hoping for a snow day

Thursday night on my mother's 81st birthday,
the telephone florist couldn't locate yellow roses
and so I think she's unhappy with the sunflowers.
I'm watching Celebrity Rehab after the Obama Clinton debate-
ice cream and TV have been my best friends this month-
February is very February and without the poetry class
I teach I wouldn't write anything but emails at work
but I made a promise to write a poem a week, none of which
are worth posting but it's good to keep the pen moving
toward the notion of a poem- like praying during crises of faith.
The lunar eclipse last night,
the promise of freezing rain,
all the Valentine chocolates vanished,
at least I'm not on Celebrity Rehab.
I myself love sunflowers.

Love, Nura and Yay Molly! and THANK YOU Erica I love reading your work on the blog.


erika said...

sunflowers are beautiful...
when i lived in napa valley i grew them and nothing made me happier, they grew taller than i was and i picked them everyday and brought them to people as presents. i miss them–

sarah said...

My goodness. What a great last line. I'm going to be saying that to myself as I try to nap in a few minutes. A mantra. So lovely and centering. I just lost three people I love in the past two months. One, my half-grandfather, who was most important to me. Who challenged my vocabulary and always had thoughts. I am hardly as interesting, and I feel as though life isn't as real now. But that line was so very helpful. So I thank you, Nura. I just love the idea and all behind it.
