Friday, February 1, 2008

Oh, my goodness! I'm here! After all that huffing and puffing and leaving stray comments.

Thank you all for that wonderful encounter. I've so enjoyed reading your posts and amazing poems. It's so good to have this venue. Thank you, Molly.


I wrote a dozen poems the days after the workshop, and this is one of a series of six called "Revision." None of the poems have much gravitas, but they're playing with the event and the issues that troubled me about the poem I failed to revise.

The Teacher

I’m sure we all wrote a hundred poems
the Saturday after Malena’s workshop.
Twelve disciples in a room communing
with each other’s work.

What else could we do?

Gurdjieff says we go to church for the sex
of gathering bodies, the electricity of minds
brought to attention. . .
. . . and her stillness,
her clarity
held up before us.

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